Grinding material overview

What can I grind or flake with my device?

Depending on the device, you can grind different foods. For a detailed overview, we have created a table for you. If you have any further questions or any ambiguities, please contact us via the contact form. Also note the FAQ.

Grinding with the grain mill

a whole range of foods can be processed with a grain mill. However, there are a number of important points to consider.

  • Basically, you can grind anything that is not oily or fatty or moist – so please don’t put nuts or oily seeds such as flaxseeds or poppy seeds in the grain mill.
  • When purchasing the grind, please make sure that it is cleaned grains, so that no residues such as small stones may damage the grinding stones.
  • Please always only process dry grinds – otherwise the grinding stones could stick together.
  • Tip: For moisture test, press a grain with a spoon on a smooth surface. If the grain splinters, it is dry enough. If it can be crushed like an oatmeal, it is too moist.
  • If you’re not sure if you can process the grain, it’s always best if you process a small amount first. Then unscrew the funnel and check if the stones may stick. If they are glued, the stones can be easily cleaned by coarsely scraping rice or cleaning the grinding stones with a dry wire brush. So experiment calmly!
  • Not every engine is strong enough to process all grains. It is best to think about what you want to process before purchasing and then choose a mill with the right engine strength. Our table helps you make decisions.

Squeezing with the flocker

a whole range of foods can be processed with a flake. Here too, however, there are a number of important points to consider.

  • Here, too, the following applies: The flock material must be well cleaned, otherwise damage to the device may occur due to e.g. stones.
  • Don’t stock your oatmeal: Fresh oatmeal should be consumed immediately, as they can quickly lose valuable nutrients due to storage and thus become bitter. Don’t worry, even flocculation goes super fast with our flockers.
  • We recommend oats without spelt (naked oats) for flakes.
  • Other grains moisturize briefly in a sieve, let it dry for a few hours and then flock it. The result is not only nicer flakes that do not crumble, but you can digest the grain swelled better.
  • Here, too, you can of course experiment and squeeze different seeds or spices – but please don’t nuts or legumes, they’re too hard.

We divide the grind into the following groups for a better overview:


Weichgetreide wie Weizen (Video), Dinkel, Roggen (Video), Kamut, Emmer, Einkorn, Gerste, Grünkern, Hafer (Mühle: geschrotet, nicht fein! | Flocker OK)

Hart- und Pseudogetreide

z. B. Hirse, Mais, Buchweizen, Braunhirse, Quinoa (Pseudegetreide) Amaranth (nicht auf feinster Stufe), Mais (kein Popcornreis), Reis (Naturreis, kein Parboiled Reis), Hagebuttenkerne


z. B. Pfeffer (Video), Chilischoten, Senfkörner, Kümmel (Video), Fenchel (Video), Koriander (Video), Kardamon geschält, Nelken (Video), Anis, Rosmarin, Thymian, Liebstöckel


z. B.Bohnen, Erbsen, Linsen, Kichererbsen, Linsen gelb/rot (Video), Sojabohnen, Lupinen


z.B. Leinsamen, Hafer, Mohn, Chia Samen, Amaranth, Sesam


Alle Sorten als geröstete Bohnen (Hinweis: Geschmacksübertragung auf die Mahlsteine, Wechselmahlwerk empfehlenswert)

You can find out which KoMo device can process in detail which grinding material in the following grind.

Grinding tests

You can grind much more with a grain mill than just wheat!

Grinding wheat

Rye grind

Grinding rice flour

REisflakes grind

Grinding red lentils

Grinding yellow lentils

Urid Dal flour grind

Channa Dal grind

Mountain pepper grinding

Coarsely grind the pepper

Grinding coriander

Fennel grind